Collection: Microfiber Towels

I'm here to tell you that there is a lot to like with microfiber.  Micro fabric was designed for cleaning industries, such as hotels and auto detailing to improve performance over cotton products.  The only downside is that microfiber has more laundering requirements than cotton.

Here are some of the advantages:

  • The ones we sell for skin contact are sooooo soft.
  • They are awesome for polishing and wiping down your shave equipment.  
  • They are designed to attract from what they touch.  No need to rub on your skin to dry - it will absorb from touching.  Microfiber fabric used only with water picks up a large proportion bacteria and viruses, great in the bathroom environment.  Hospitals see reduced infection rates with microfiber as opposed cotton.
  • Microfiber is lint free, which is really nice.  I use microfiber more and more since we started selling it.  I seldom have to empty the lint trap on the drier.
  • Microfiber lasts through hundreds of washings